Sunday, July 29, 2012


Much of today's world news is controlled by West Media and strong political connection

As the middle east is controlling the supply of petroleum, the West is obliged to follow on what needs to be conveyed to the public

For the case of the suffering of rohingya muslims, a tribe being tortured by Buddhist is being so "shouted" as crime against humanity

Well, what you have to say about this ?

100 christians killed in syria with series of kidnapping and brutal murders

In Iran, a christian pastor was sentenced to death for renouncing his former faith

In Pakistan a christian woman is given death penalty for wrongly being accused of insulting a religion

70 churches burned in Iraq

900 iraqi christians killed in bahgdad

350 churches in Nigeria is burned

510 people killed in boko haram - nigeria

Gang rape of 2 young girls in Australia by 3 men as the rapers claimed that since the girls were not wearing headscarf and covering their face so they cannot say no to be raped

Churches being burned in Indonesia, pastors being jailed, congregation being thrown with eggs and urines

many more and why are all these news are being told to the world ?

Because oil controls, and the West is a slave.

Some will say that these are exaggerations made by journalists,

So let me tell you the news of rohingya tribe being killed is also a media make up, small news becoming a hot news, i am not also saying that the lives of the muslims are not cared by God but the point is about being fair and equal in human rights.

God is not favored to one race or religion - He is for all, He is all Merciful and Loving to mankind.

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