Thursday, January 7, 2010

Book of Prophecy By Christopher Columbus

Book of Prophecy by Christopher Columbus

“It was the Lord that put in my mind, I could feel his hand upon me, the fact
that it would be possible to sail from here to the Indies. All who have heard
my project, rejected it, laughed and ridicule it. There is no question that it
is the inspiration from the Holy Spirit because He comforts me with rains of
marvelous illumination of Holy Scripture for the execution of the Journey of
Hindi. I did not make use of intelligence, mathematics, maps. It is simply the
fulfillment of Isaiah had prophesied. No one should fear to undertake any task
in the Name of Our Savior (Jesus Christ), if the intention is purely for His Holy
service the fact that the Gospel must be still be preached to many lands such as
short time, this is what convinces me”


This extract was found in his journal. After discovering America, Columbus placed a cross at James Town called Cope Henry now Virginia Beach

What I am trying to bring here is the point that the discovery of America was made by a man who followed the guidance of the Almighty. Many of the world’s invention and great discoveries were made by individuals who believed in the knowledge and wisdom that which is from God. 8 out of 10 Nobel prize winners are Jews who had the natural and original ability, knowledge and wisdom superior to other groups of people in this world. This is in fact the truth, as a small nation but impacting the whole world. Most of America’s weapons are contributed by Jewish scientist, its technology and power cannot be compared to other nations.

Who is Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Colonel Sander (KFC), the inventor of Colgate, the inventor of the first rocket (Wenher Von Braun) and many more…….. All these individuals are Christians, obviously there are many more but I don’t like to mentioning individuals like Donald Trump, Michael Jackson, and many other big names in this 21st century because they are just christian for the name sake. You can know through their lifestyle.

People who impacted the world with great discoveries did not obtain the ability and knowledge through their own effort and education but through the guidance and teaching of the Almighty himself who reveals when they ask of Him. So the focal point is this, if the God whom you serve is real, He is able to make impossible to possible, as it is written in 1 Corinthians 1: 26-30 :

“Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards. Not many were influential, not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things, things that are not to nullify the things that are. So that no one may boast before Him. It is because of Him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us the wisdom from God.

To all of you who are reading this article, I urge you to come to the presence of God who loves you and cares about you so that whatever He has planned and predestined for you in this life will be fulfilled. You don’t have to seek astrology, feng shui, bomoh and religious stuffs to be successful, healthy and wealthy. It is God who showers his blessings upon mankind, whoever asks from him will receive it due to his faith on His ability. I challenge you to ask the things that you need in this life to be successful and prosperous to your god, will he/she be answering ? or have you ever heard God speaking to you about your future ?

If not, I ask you to agree with me that who you serve as god is invalid. It is not able to help you and you are worshipping in vain but there is a living God who hears and watches you. He says in the bible that he foreknew you before you were conceived in your mother’s womb. Isn’t He great and marvelous ? He wants you to be joyful, successful, healthy and wealthy in this life however you need to talk Him as child talks to his father. That’s all !!!, so simple, no fancy and professional prayer or sacrifice, but just with an earnest and faithful heart acknowledging that He alone is able to do this things.

So if you would like to give a shot, just say “ Father, please help me, I don’t understand certain things in this life. Why this and that ? but I know you are watching me so I ask you to help me, to make the right decision and I surrender everything to you, in Jesus name, amen. This is just a sample prayer, you can go on telling the details of what you need whether it is your relationship, studies or even job, without doubt go on tell Him. Talk to Him as you talk to your closest friend, language or grammatical errors doesn’t matter. He knows everything before even you ask Him. After doing this, be patient, don’t lose heart, sometimes it happens immediately, sometimes it takes time however if you continue to believe he will surely do it because He know the best for you at the right time.

I will also continually put this thing in my prayer so that God will help you. Take care and good-by in Jesus name.

Written by

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