Thursday, January 7, 2010

Who is Jesus Christ ?

Who is Jesus Christ ?

To many of us, this name might be familiar, this name quite famously used during Christmas season and perhaps during history studies. However, not much is known about him from the Holy Bible’s view and it’s truth. People just know him from the traditions of men and stories told by historians. These are the views of the world concerning the man named, Jesus the Christ :

1. He is a good man

2. He is the founder of Christianity

3. He was crucified on the cross (although Muslims choose not to believe it according to the
Gospel of Barnabas)

4. His teachings are mainly good and concerns for humanity, equality and all in love

5. He came for Christians and Jews in the Middle East where he was born

6. He is a man and great religious teacher similar to Buddha, Guru Nanak, Socrates and
Confucius. He is just one of those who taught great philosophy

If He was just merely a human, why do millions of Christians regard Him as God in flesh and being resurrected as the King over spiritual death thus offering forgiveness for their sins and choose to believe that He is the only Savior of humankind and there is no other. Am I not right ? A truly knowledgeable human knows that a human cannot be a God and all these is just based on ancient writings that were written by the disciples of Jesus. How can a person believe in this unknown person ?

Leaving that question behind, let us look Jesus Christ being described in religions namely :

1. Islam
2. Buddhism
3. Hinduism
4. Confucianism

(*Note that these are the ancient religions, we are not talking about philosophical teachings like
Brahmanism, Japanese teachings, Bahaism, and Jainism.)

Before we move on, let me remind that no one in the history of mankind ever had the name of Jesus Christ, lived as carpenter, did miracles, died on the cross and rose again on the third day. What makes Jesus Christ so special is that He is described and potrayed as the Sinless One and Savior in all religions. Maybe the name is not mentioned, but the prophecies, qualities and references made are clearly fulfilled by the man Jesus Christ without missing any single detail. So now let us one by one the references made concerning Jesus Christ. It was made before he came to the world. Truly Someone has revealed to them about this man and faithfully has written down without seeking their own pride but revealing the truth

Please proceed to read :

1. Jesus Christ in Hinduism
2. Jesus Christ in Buddhism
3. Jesus Christ in Confucianism
4. Jesus Christ in Islam

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