Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Diwali, What it is actually ? (part 2)

Great saints like Thirumoolar, Agastiyar, Thayumanavar and other Siddhars (nameless saints who knew god and the truth) anticipated God as light who will remove the darkness from the mind of people. The 19th century Hindu saint Vallalar otherwise called Jyothi Ramalinga Adigalar who started worshipping god Murugan, then Nataraja but later declared that God is light and he proclaimed that truth throughout Tamilnadu. The dominating Brahmin religious leaders ignored this Saint. Many of his poems about this light focus towards Jesus Christ. Darkness cannot be removed by bullets, money, austerity, rituals, temple attendance, celebrations, holy baths or self righteousness, only light can remove darkness. Ordinary powerful lights cannot remove the darkness that is in the minds of the people.

If God is light then who is this god?

The Bible has the answer. Jesus said: "I am the light of this world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life" (John 8:12) If this is true then why people do not accept this light who is Jesus the Christ? The Bible has the answer again. It says, Light has come into this world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God. When Jesus said: "I am the light of this world" he also said that his followers are lights of this world. He said: "let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise God the Father in heaven". Jesus is the light and his followers make a line after him. Lights in a line!

The real Deep-Awali = Diwali! It is good that the Indian saints celebrate this festival during October. Jesus lived thirty-three and a half years. He was nailed to the cross in the month of April. He was only thirty-three and a half years old. His birthday fall after six months, that is in October. The month God came to this world as light. Saul, a tribe of Benjamin of Israel who was against Christian believers killed many of them met Jesus on his way to Damascus. God appeared to him in the form of light. He became a follower of Jesus Christ and preached the glorious Gospel to many thousands. He writes in one of his letters that "For god who said, let light shine out of darkness made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the Glory of god in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all surpassing powers is from God and not from us" (2 Cor 4:6,7)

The light of God, which is the knowledge, should shine in the minds of people. The human body is the temple of God. It has body, spirit and soul. We have no authority to make it unclean or impure. One of the great Tamil poets said that in the garden of god man was made out of clay and the soul was in him. Not knowing this because of darkness of sin he enjoyed the luxuries of this world and broke it into pieces. 

This is a true fact. This is the message we heard from God and declare to you.

God is light, In Him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with God and yet walk in darkness, we die and do not live by truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ purifies us from all sins (darkness). The real meaning of Deepavali or Diwali is that God the light has come into this world to remove sin the giant of darkness. Let us come out of darkness to light. Jesus is the light of the world.

Taken from

Monday, September 28, 2009

Diwali, What it is actually ? (part 1)


Diwali ! A day to rejoice! A day to be happy with exchanging sweets, delicious food and wearing new dresses! Bright lights everywhere and the sound of firecrackers, which drives people crazy sometimes. All their money has been burned out into ashes while bursting firecrackers.

But why should we celebrate this auspicious day? It is a long story. Let us find out how & why?

Once upon a time there lived a giant called Naragashur. Narag means hell and Ashur means giant. So he was a giant of hell. He did many harms to the civilians as well as to the sages. All people cried to the Lord for relief. The Lord incarnated and one fine evening, the Lord killed the giant. People came out of their houses with joy holding torches in their hands. So it became a tradition and it has been followed by the generations and that is why every year they celebrate this festival which is called Diwali.

The question is, if people wanted to celebrate a day because of the death of a giant, then the whole lifetime will not be enough for a person to celebrate because there are so many similar stories in the Puranas like Hiranya, Ravan, Kamsa, Bagava, Idumba, Andakashur, Jalandashur, Hiranyatcha, Tirunavartha and so on, who were killed by god's incarnations. So, the festival Diwali has nothing to do with the death of Naragashur. Kandapurana part VII ?Upadeshkanda says about an auspicious day, which is called Diwali.

This word is a combination of two words. Deep, which means light and Awali, means line. Lights in a line. During the month of Oct-Nov a day before the new moon, people take holy bath early in the morning. They keep a heap of paddy and place a pot and upon that with holy grass which is called dharba (a type of hyssop) and worship the god Shiva with fasting and prayer. Some people fast for 21 days. On the day of new moon they complete their fasting and put on new clothes, eat sweets and food. On this day they should not eat non- - vegetarian food. Those who eat such food will go to hell. This is what the great man Thirumuruga Kirubananda Variayar says. (Variyar Virundhu-page 84-87)

But what people experience today? There are lights around them, but inwardly they are immersed in darkness. They think that the giant (Satan) was killed but they do not understand that the giant still live in them and keep them under bondage like debts, sorrow, sickness, hatred, poverty etc.

The puranic stories were written to make people understand that God has to come in flesh to release the people from the bondage of this giant who is called Satan. But who is this Satan? Who is the incarnation of god who manifested in flesh? The Giant is sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambitions, dissension, factions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, evil thoughts, theft, murder, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, slander, arrogance, folly, homosexual, smoking, chewing panparak, drugs, watching blue films, reading filthy stories, bribery, and so on. Such kind of giant still lives in the minds of people and spoils everyone?s life and also the lives of his kin and kids and the society.

The giant is also called the darkness of the world. He has blinded the minds of people so that they cannot see the light of the good news of the real God who came in flesh who is the image of God.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The signs of Jesus' coming (part 2)

21.Israel will exist as a nation in the latter days:
Read Ezekiel 37:1-14 to see this prophecy, which was fulfilled in 1948.
22.Israel's birth as a nation will have happened in one day:
Fulfilled on May 14, 1948 as seen in Isaiah 66:8: "Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once?"
23.Israel will be in possession of Jerusalem (has been since 1967):

This happened as a result of the Six-Day War in 1967. The capture of Jerusalem was critical from a prophetic standpoint as the Antichrist will someday enter a rebuilt Holy Temple that will be standing in Jerusalem at the midpoint of the Tribulation Period where he will declare himself to be God. This event, referred to by most as the abomination of desolation, is documented in Daniel 9:27 and Matthew 24:15.
24.Israel will be surrounded on every side by enemies:
Psalms 83:4: They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.
25.The possession of Jerusalem will be the source of international conflict:
Is this happening today or what? It's a HUGE sign to us! Zechariah 12:3: And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.
26.Christians will be lukewarm in their faith:
In Christ's address to the seven churches, He says in Revelation 3:15: I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
27.Many will claim to be Christ:
Matthew 24:5: For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
28.False Christs and false prophets will be very effective in the art of deception
Matthew 24:24: For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
29.There will be signs in the heavens:
Luke 21:25: And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
30.Mockers will abound because those who live according to their own desires love to mock those who try to live theirs in a manner pleasing to God.
Jude 1:18: How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.
31.Idolatry will be common:
Revelation 9:20: And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:
32.Many Christians and church doctrines will depart from the faith:
1st Timothy 4:1: Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
33.Mankind's state of rebellion will be so great, the coming of Christ will catch them completely off-guard:

Luke 21:35: For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.
34.Homosexuality will be flaunted:Leviticus 20:13: "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

This is also spoken of in Luke 17:28- 30: "Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed."

Although homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of God, all sin is! I bring up this point because many Christians treat homosexuality as if it is the most unforgivable sin of all. Jesus Christ forgives all sins and we, His followers, should be reaching out to these people with love in our hearts that they might be saved! Homosexuality is not an unpardonable sin any more than any other sin is!
35.Many will rejoice in their unrighteous
2nd Thessalonians 2: 12: "That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

These people, according to 2nd Thessalonians 2:11, will be subject to believing the lie the Antichrist will present to the world in the aftermath of the Rapture of the Church, leading many of them to eternal damnation. God will allow them to be deceived, it seems, as a reward for their bold defiance of Him. What a frightening thought!
36.Aliyah will be taking place
What is Aliyah? Aliyah is the Hebrew word used to describe the physical return of the Jewish people, the children of Israel, to their ancient Promised Land, Zion, from abroad.

In Scripture, God promised He would bring the Jews (descendants of Abraham) back to their Promised Land from all the nations of the world where He had scattered them! It is happening even as you read these words.

Ezekiel 36:24: For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land.
37. There will be signs Earth's environment is in trouble:

Romans 8:21-23: Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not only [they], but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, [to wit], the redemption of our body.
38. Technology will exist capable of tracking the world's population, finances.

Revelation 13:16-17: And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
39. The capability will exist for an army of 200 million soldiers to be formed:

In Revelation 9:16, John sees a specific number of soldiers/"horsemen" preparing for or entering into war: And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.

Estimates of the total human population of Earth during Christ's day typically vary between 100 to 400 million people. In 2004, the CIA determined China had an estimated 208,143,352 in its population alone fit for military service. As of 2006, that number had risen to 281,240,272 men fit for military service.

40. Drug use will be rampant:
Revelation 9:21: Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.

The original Greek for the word 'sorceries' is pharmakeia {far-mak-i'-ah}. It means the use of or the administering of drugs OR sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it.

41. Evil men, seducers and deceivers will get worse and worse.
(2nd Timothy 3:13)
One doesn't have to think too hard to realize this prophecy is being dramatically fulfilled in our times. Upon reading this, close your eyes for a moment and think of how many people you know (or have heard of from reputable sources) who seem to be evil to the core! Similarly, think of how many people you know who have fallen victim to frauds and scams perpetrated by seducers (deceivers/imposters). The world today seems full of these types with no letup in sight.

42. There will be wars and rumours of war.
Matthew 24:6: And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all [these things] must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
It seems that for every international conflict that exists at a given moment in our present time, there is potential for another to manifest itself as well. It's as though our world is about to blow apart at the seams!

43. When we begin to collectively see the signs listed above, Christ's return is near!
Luke 21:28: And when these things BEGIN to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

Have you seen any of these signs in the world today?
If so, I suggest you quickly enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ if you haven't already done so! He is coming soon

The signs of Jesus' coming (part 1)

The signs are as follows:

1.The Gospel will be preached in all the world before the physical return of Jesus Christ to the earth occurs at Armageddon, although exhaustive efforts are presently underway to accomplish this:

Matthew 24:14: And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
2.There will be a mixture of believers and false believers within the Church body:
Matthew 13:24-30: Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.
3.There will be scoffers:
The Bible tells us one of the key signs of the end times will be people doubting the return of Christ will ever happen.

2nd Peter 3:3-4: Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
4.Humanity will be able to cross the globe rapidly and science will be advancing:
Daniel 12:4: But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
5.Perilous times will come for mankind:
2nd Timothy 3:1: This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

6.Mankind will deny God once flooded the earth:

2nd Peter 3:5-6: For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:
7.The earth will be swimming in a sea of violence:
As it was in the days of Noah (Luke 17:26), so it shall be at the end. How was the earth in Noah's time?
Look no further than Genesis 6:11: The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.
8.There will be warfare all over the globe:
Mark 13:8: For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:
9.Mankind will have the capability to destroy all life on the planet:
Unique to our generation, this prophecy could not have been fulfilled prior to the invention of weapons of mass destruction such as the nuclear bomb.

Matthew 24: 22: And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
10.Deadly diseases will be rampant:
Matthew 24:7: For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
11.Famines will be common:

Matthew 24:7: For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
12.Earthquakes will be occurring globally:
Matthew 24:7: For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
13.There will be violent weather:
Luke 21:25- And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
14.Children will be disobedient and rebellious:

2nd Timothy 3:2: For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
15.Christians and Jews will be hated for their faith in and connection with Christ:
Luke 21:17: And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake.
16.Mankind will be in a state of moral, spiritual decay:
2nd Timothy 3:2-5: For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
17.Religious cults will flourish
2nd Peter 2:1: But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
18.There will be progress made toward a global government:
The European Union, the revived Roman Empire, is alive today and moving steadily toward the fulfillment of this prophecy as seen in Daniel 7: 23: "The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces." The Antichrist who will lead this world government (after the rapture of the Christian Church takes place) will be a leader from the European Union as seen in

Daniel 9:26. He will be of the people who destroyed the city of Jerusalem and its sanctuary in AD 70, the Romans.

19.The world will be desperately seeking peace:
1st Thessalonians 5:3: For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
20.Global means of communication will exist:
We know this because the book of Revelation teaches us the entire world will see several events. This is unique to our generation as only recently in mankind's history have these technologies been present.

Revelation 11:9: And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and sha
ll not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.

Hell is true

Hell is true

When a comparative study and analyzing study of world religions is done on the subject of hell. It seems no book but only one gives a clearer picture of it. From the :

a) law and Talmud of Judaism

b) Quran of Islam

c) Vedas of Upanishad

d) Brahman of Hinduism

e) Zoroastrian Holy Book

f) Sayings and analects of Confucius

g) Agama of Jainism

h) Buddhist Holy Books

i) Japanese Shinto Kojiki

j) Lao Tzu’s Taoism

subsequently the only book that most accurately describes about hell is the Bible which is the True Word of God for mankind.

The only person who knows about hell more than anyone of us is Jesus. He spoke about it while when he was on earth but he didn’t describe about heaven much, not because it doesn’t exist but perhaps because he knew that more people will end up in hell than in heaven.

Matthew 7:13 – Jesus said “ enter through the narrow gate for wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it, but small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only few find it”

Here in this particular verse, Jesus foretold the difference in population between heaven and hell, truly Jesus had given us a clearer picture about hell.

When Jesus said about entering through a narrow gate, He meant about the difficult way to obtain eternal life where only few has found it. Logically imagining, when a road is narrow or small to walk, no one of course would want to getting to another side.

So, people tend to choose the wide road which is bigger and walk into it. Many people join it, and find themselves in a very comfort zone and sweet journey. It’s fun right ?, you don’t have to wait long, cool breeze, enjoy the view and finally you get to another side but it’s not the destination you wanted to choose. Then, regretting for choosing this way, you want to turn back and came to the previous way. However, at the end you find that there is no more opportunity, the door of getting out, the escape road, the salvation is closed. The duration of mercy, chance – giving is over. You are not coming back but going to end in a destination which of course you will hate to be which is hell. The time and space cannot contain it simply because it is eternal, how would anyone define eternity, no calculator, no scientific formula can explain eternity. In other words, it’s forever and ever.

But then, question arises, why did God created Hell or did human invented ideas about hell. No ! my readers, hell was created for Satan and his angels when they rebelled against God. It’s a place of torment and suffering, where full of darkness, pain and no escape. This place where devil and evil spirits is damned and condemned in hell forever for their rebellion, not for us. The most important element in Hell is fire, it’s fire lasts forever and never dies. This fire is a special fire created by God where you will never die instantly nor will you die slowly but it will torment your soul forever. Meaning that there is no death in hell, it’s torment and suffering is forever.

Mark 9:48 – 49
Where their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched. Everyone will be salted with fire

The experienced being in hell is simply cannot be expressed and explained because it’s strange and only those who experience can know it but only those who in the hell can tell you and they will never come back. There is also another issue, despite of all these warning people still ignorantly believe that the world we are living now will never end. There is a fullstop, an end to this word but heaven and hell which sees unreal, indeed exist and it is forever. You and I can’t avoid going to one of this place.

So, who will be going to hell ? Are there good people in hell ?
The answer is, all of us deserve to be in hell because we have sinned against in one way or another. We cannot say that we are perfect enough to stand in front God’s holy place. I know this might sound ridiculous, you can say that I have never steal, killed, not even lied, committing adultery by even looking at woman lustfully. People often justify themselves by saying that I am not so bad and maybe I do some mistakes but that is not going to bring me to hell. Let me ask you, according to whose standard you are judging yourself, you or God who gave the law ?

My dear friends, you can never justify yourself by your good works because no matter how much you do, it cannot satisfy God’s satisfaction. It’s only by God’s grace and help you can be called righteous and no matter how strictly you follow the law, you will still stumble at one point and that makes you a lawbreaker and of course, a sinner as well. God is holy and just and in front of his eyes we are a;; sinners but God is not letting us die with our sins and going to hell because He has allowed someone else to make payment on behalf of you. He is the only Sinless Person, who came to the world and became the sacrifice above all sacrifices and once for all. There is no need of sacrificing animals and yourselves anymore because God does’nt need it anymore.

Why are we sinners, its because our ancestor’s blood runs within us. When a baby comes from the mother, the baby’s blood contains the parent’s sins. However God does not hold account of the baby because of the parents. The father’s sin, the children will not bear it, because the soul that sins shall die. God will only judge a person when he or she grows to know what is good and bad and chooses one of it. Choose the good and live, choose the bad and die with it.

In any religion, human is considered as a sinner, humans cannot control their flesh and their thinking. In order to avoid doing bad things, we are asked to do charity, yoga meditation, visiting holy places, becoming a monk or a priest to just have a better life when you come again. But the fact, reincarnation and rebirth is not logical and it’s just a theory. So, there is no way to be in heaven but only to suffer in hell for all your sins. Listen what the bible tells :

Hebrew 9:27
Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgement (by God)

The reason Buddha and Hinduism taught reincarnation and rebirth is because, our sins are so heavy to be paid. So, we have to take another life to pay for it. But the question is how many times you want to come back and pay ?! Don’t forget that in each life you commit sin and it accumulates (increases) and you have to come again until 144th time and you go out of existence. They teach that you will disappear somewhere and don’t know where !!!!

While the bible says that hell do exist and true, other religions can’t help but to accept the fact that the bible is indeed the truth.
Greeks say the hell is under the the atlas
American Indian say it is under a turtle
Hindus say that it is under an elephants

BUT the science and research confirmed accurately as the Bible says that the hell is inside the earth. It’s temperature goes as far as 6650 celcius and the main element of hell is sulphur which the bible calls it brimstone.

People may ask, why a loving God would create hell. Okay, suppose you are God what would you do ? Will you allow killers, thiefs, liars, prostitutes, maker of idols, gays, lesbian, disobedient childrens, drunkard and other who have against your law and system to enter heaven which is holy ?

Every soul that sins shall die, as I said before, we are all meant to be in hell because we are not good enough. Search your heart, touch it, ask yourself despite even being so good to others, never doing bad things, do you still feel that you are good enough to be in heaven. The price of sin is so expensive to be paid that only a Sinless Person can pay it for you.

You are not going to hell because you are not Christian if others say. You are going to hell because you are a sinner and the only way to get out of hell and to be in heaven is to believe in Jesus Christ. By repenting and accepting Him who paid his life for our sins. The name Jesus itself means the one who will save us from our sins. Christ is the title given in Greek language for Saviour. Our sins are so bad, our karma is heavy, we cannot pay for it in just one life. The fact that you were born in this world is because you are sinner. If you are perfect and sinless, you would not be born into this world but in heaven.

Our sins are like debt to the creditor. We have so much debt, we try to pay but it never ends and it will only finish if the creditor forgives and says “ my son and daughter, you no need to pay it anymore, someone else has already paid it for you. And behold, it is God himself who became the sacrifice and He has done it once for all.

All you can do is to surrender it to the man who gave his life in your place and say “ Lord, have mercy on me, I can’t pay for my sin and I am going to hell because my consciousness kills me. I cannot say I am good, I cannot boast that I go to church every Sunday, going to temple of idols where god seems to be blind, deaf and dumb of my destiny and my eternal future. I cannot say all religions are same because by saying it, I am making You as confuser and troublemaker. However, it’s only you who is worthy to be worshipped and exalted, the living God, eternal truth, everlasting Father, Creator of heavens and the earth.

The only religion that says you will go to hell eventhough you are the most faithful devotee of that religion, is Christianity. (eventhough Christianity is not a religion but truth and experience with God). The bible says that you might have done great good works perhaps like Mother Theresa (not a Christian though), Princess Diana (having affair with another man), still you are not qualified to enter heaven because God’s requirements are different. He demands truthfulness, repentance (promising not to do it again), faith in Him and righteousness and justification only by His grace. The Bible offers the most hardest way to enter heaven which is live a holy life and reject the world and bear suffering and persecution for God’s name and then you will have reward from Him which is eternal life.

The Bible warns whoever reads it that you have to choose only one Way, no standing in the middle and being a lukewarm. It’s either God and His Word or the world and its pleasures. Many people even Christians (Catholics are not Christians) for the fact face hardships and troubles for living for Jesus. Life here in this world is temporary and I know can be perfect and you can be try your best to be perfect not outwardly and inwardly. Even when I am writing this, my consciousness speaks against me. Life is simply a cross. You have to deny the world and its enjoyment and I guarantee it’s going to be very hard, I am going through that but take courage God is your helper in your very need.
1 John 5 : 3-5
This is love for God, to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome.
For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.
Who is it that overcomes the world, only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God

2 Corinthians 5 : 17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone and the new has come

One who is born of God means that one who accepts Jesus Christ is born again, not by flesh but by spirit. You no more desire worldly pleasures but Godly things. And eventuall you realize that life in this world is temporary, thus you will have no problem dealing with this challenges because you know something better is being prepared for you. You will look upon and wait for the promise of Jesus Christ’ second coming. This is going to happen very soon, Jesus himself will come but only seen by those who will join him. The sign is suddenly a great population wil disappear from this earth and you shall know it has happen. Babies regardless of race and geographical conditions will be taken to heaven and those Christian who lived faithfully and righteous for God will vanish. The world will question this mysterious event but the bible has predicted and it will be fulfilled. All of them have faced all kinds of persecution for believing in Jesus Christ but their reward is to be given to them and it is eternal. So will you take my plea to accept the sacricife Jesus Christ has done for you and even He is glad to receive you as His children not as servant. God is your friend, lovely Father greater than our mothers rather than brutal, scary, furious, killing and adulterous gods like our ancestors have made. Repent for the time has come and indeed is very near.

The undeniable fact is very simple :
If you believe there is no afterlife, no heaven, no hell, no Jesus, and if you are right, I have lost nothing, you and I got the benefit just the same but !!!!! if I am right that there is a afterlife, heaven, hell and its only through Jesus to be in heaven. You are going right to the hell and I in heaven with my Saviour Jesus forever and ever.

(Read article Unknown Truth)

Unknown Truth ( part 2 )

Speaking about Christians, I can write all my life even though I myself for the fact is a follower of Christ and His faithful Word. On other hand, people view Christianity as an universal belief where you can get to speak English, wear western clothes, live according to the west, being elevated to higher status in the society because the world has a good view for Christians (not anymore). It has become a physical and outward religion. How it became like this ?? since the bible, the sole authority book of Christians which concentrates on the purpose of God in each man’s life, priniciples of life, physical and both spiritual life and afterlife too.

Many Christians have gone astray from the faith since the beginning of the invasion of science and its theory beginning from America which influenced the world. The imminent return of LONG WAITED JESUS CHRIST in his second coming is forgotten and I guess only some of true believers is alert and transforming their lives in Christ, but more and more people tend to ignore the fact that it is really going to happen unknowingly when.

While writing this, I am worried and at the same time I feel anxious for the end that might result out of this. Christianity has become religious and traditional and addingly ritualistic. Why do I say this ? It’s because the Christians are so accustomed with the pleasures of the world. They are trapped in it and it’s very hard to escape yourself from there. Well. The world is owned by satan and his associates, he offers sweet and unholy things that are seen as a promise and happiness never knowing it’s a trap while you making your way to hell. Wake up my dear brethrens !!!! see to it, read the bible (the right one) and worship God with all your heart, soul, mind and BODY. That is what God wants from you, not your mouth but your heart. Christians do and will understand the goal of life if they search it in the holy scriptures.

You see, today we have about 50 denominations with different doctrines and custom. It has led astray more and more people to think and regard Christianity as the worst of all beliefs. I am talking about the so-called Christians. Life on this earth is temprorary, Charles Finney said that everyone would die for the sake of Jesus Christ but it’s the living for Him, they find it hard. Living on this earth is not easy as we ever can imagine. Temptations surrounded, challenges and trials are waiting for us if we want to live for Jesus. As I said before, the world is not pressing you if you join them but if you refuse them, they persecute you. Can you and will you endure it ? We must die to the world, and to this mortal body and willingly take the cross and look forward the eternal life up in heaven. The return of Christ is mainly concerned on the church, I guess we need to evangelize to Christians because they are so weak and have indulged themselves in the sweet honey lifestyle of the world.

Jesus said “ Wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it, but small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, only a few find it. (Matthew 7:13)

Because of some “ good ” Christians, unbelievers tend to runaway from accepting the free gift of salvation. The bible says if you do this, you have sinned against God. Another debateable issue among Christians are the topic of grace and law. Many preachers have misinterpreted the scripture and gave wrong understanding to the believers which made them to take sin so light, making the sacrifice of Jesus Christ vain and useless. Law is against, broken and violated just because of the power of grace. Has God changed ? He is the same yesterday, today and forever but then how can He change his word and promises since He himself is the Word
(Romans 6:1,2) (1 John 3:4) (Romans 6:23).

So, an end, Christianity is not a religion but it is the truth. Not because many believes it, miracles, sign and wonders happen within it but it is a physical and spiritual interrelated life. Accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour, where He died on the cross for our sins, sickness, disease and our problem or whatsoever you name it but he rose again on the third day not by according to human’s theory but according to the witness and power of his Father. Jesus himself is God who become the sacrifice for sin so that you don’t have to sacrifice animal, do good works and charity to obtain salvation but its only through His name. Confess your sins to him and believe that he has indeed the power to forgive your sins and continually live on holy and righteous life with your faith on Him. You may slip or accidently fall into sin again but when you confess and promise that you will never do it again, you are forgiven.

Repentance is needed, repentance means hating the sin, promising to never do it again, believing in Jesus, living according to His Word which the bible and finally you will be in heaven with him soon, assuredly. Now, listen not only our physical sin but also our mental sin.

Jesus said “You have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Peace, love, joy, hope will you experience but its not a easy life. If you surrender to him and follow his Word, your family, friends even the whole the world will hate you and try to kill you. Now that’s the sign, ask for yourself, why is that when I follow Jesus, people hate me but not when I follow the world, nothing happens. Jesus said, the world will hate you because of me. Don’t worry, Jesus is with you, he promised that he will be with you till then end of this world. Start going to a right church, they will give you the bible to read, read it, meditate it, attend bible classes to know the future that God has prepared for this world and also for your understanding. Ask anything you don’t understand to the pastor. Always know that God is for you and He loves you.

And finally, for those who reject this free gift of salvation where many God’s children have prayed for your sake, you will be condemned in the eternal hell and be tormented day and night. You can’t escape, time and space have been given to you, you have neglected and rejected the conviction of the holy spirit where you will not be forgiven forever. You will suffer in the lake of fire as you die and leave this earth. If you don’t believe, you will experience after you die. Remember, you have never know what will happen next, never die without accepting Jesus, never take things for granted.When you go to hell, no more opportunity for you, you will spend there for trillion years and eternity lies ahead of you. Please respond to this warning, this maybe the last time you reading and hearing this.

If you believe there is no afterlife, no heaven, no hell, no Jesus, and if you are right, I have lost nothing, you and I got the benefit just the same but !!!!! if I am right that there is afterlife, heaven, hell and its only through Jesus. You are going right to the hell and I in heaven with my Saviour Jesus forever and ever

Unknown Truth ( part 1 )

Unknown Truth
(especially for Christians and interested readers)

Why should anyone believe in God since He had not showed himself to anyone including you and me ? Why sometimes people claim that they have seen God and they tell it all around the world ? Some say they have seen Jesus of Christians, some say they have heard “azan” the prayer of Muslims in the space, some say they have seen their numerous gods and contacted spirits.

Is this life all about ?? Different people who live in every different way experience every possible different ways seeing how and who God is in their life. Since man began to develop the civilization, many things emerged. New things being replaced for the exchange of the old things, I mean not the material but the way people live. How they regard God is, the form of worship, the lifestyle and many more. Eventually all things are possible, inventors give some sort of explanation for their invention so that it is really understood, widely accepted and believed by all people with no question, doubt and surprise about its’s genuiness and truth.

However, that is not the question, eventhough the world is going to end (if you believe), people are still living in their reckless, wicked, sinful, unholy, unclean life without showing regard to their destiny. Their mindset is this, there is no God, I am God for myself, if I could decide everything on my own, why should I listen and believe some old granny stories. Life is once, we don’t know who we were during our past life, we never know what we are going to be in our future life but we only know who are we in this life, so why don’t you live according to your wish and enjoy without limit.

However, not to forget also, you die without knowing your destination and you never know what you are about to face is eternal and no turning back. Why should anyone be bothered about the afterlife, probably it is man’s theory to “scare” people to live a good life or perhaps religious groups trying to offer you a sweet story to convince you to be a good human by following the rules of religion where different religion views life differently.

Leaving this behind, what about Christians or precisely the followers of Christ. How should I describe this ?? Jesus said “ you can’t serve two master ” either you accept one and you reject the other. He also said “ if anyone wants to follow me, he must first take up the cross and follow ”. Cross is not merely a wood but spiritually speaks about the burden, hardness and challenges of following Jesus. So, after all this, how do Christians live today ?? Evidently speaking, Christianity has become a religion too with it’s greatest compromising teaching, lifestyle and diversity in denomination. Jesus did not say “ I have a religion which will save you or my religion’s group is called Christians. To be added neither did He ever said “ I came only to the white people nor he ever said I came for the Jews and Christians to-be only ”.

It is the biggest ever common perception mistakenly understood by the world. Well, I am not here to talk about that but the view that the world has towards Christianity. Maybe we can say it is the largest religion or can I say it is a religion that permits everything by God’s special grace. Surprised !?!?. Let me list for you some of the “good” acts Christians do and allow :

a) Gay marriage

b) Lesbianism

c) Fornication

d) Adultery

e) Bestiality

f) Pornography

g) Masturbation

h) Addictive substances

Bible contradicts them all in the past, now and forever even when the civilization changes

and many more but I have listed only the major “good things” that so-called Christians do and allow, They do it all in the name of Jesus Christ and use the word of God (bible) in diversed way for their own benefits.

Hinduism came from the Bible ( Final Part )

Have you seen it, have you realize how far you have been from God who loves you ?
However it's not too late, but don't delay. God still loves you and he wants you to come to him through his Son Jesus whom he sent 2000 years ago, crucified yet arose from the death for sins. Believe and you will enter the kingdom of God eternally after you die. Don't reject it, because you will end up in a place which will also last forever and that is hell. Come and see that God is good and he loves you.

Hinduism came from the Bible (Part 2)

Hinduism came from Bible (part 1)

Hinduism came from the Bible (Part 1)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hinduism's prophecy of Jesus

Vedas Foretell About the Sacrifice of Christ
Taken from Balidan tract Author -Anubhavanand Keshav Ray Sharma Mandapaka

All have sinned disobeying the law of God. So they try to find different ways in order to escape from the wrath of God. In a country like (India) some make offerings to Brahmins, and others sacrifice animals.

Vedas declare sacrifice as the only way for salvation. "Dharmani prathamani" it means that sacrifice is most important of all our duties.

"Yagyo vay bhuvanasya nabhih" - Sacrifice is the base of the world.

"Yagye sarvam pratishtitham" - Through sacrifice all things can be obtained.

"Yagyo vay sutram nouh" - Sacrifice is a boat by which life can be driven smoothly.

"Yagyem va deva divangatah" - gods got to heaven only through sacrifice.

"Ritasya nah pathinay ati vishvani durita" - get saved through sacrifice.

"These theories which are declared in Vedas show that sacrifice should get the highest place
in all the penance and it should be done for the remission of sins.

Come let us see what the message of BhagvatGeeta's is
:"Sah-yagyah prajah srushtva purovach prajapathih Annen pravishyadhvamesh vo s sitvasht kamdhuk"

It means:When God made man in the beginning, He did sacrifice and He said, "by this your heart's desire may be full.

" "Yagya shapith kalmashah" - Those whose sins are washed by sacrifice.

"Nayam loko-sthya yagyasyakutho-nyah kurusatham" - O, holy guru when those who did not sacrifice a single time has no place in this world, then how can he get to heaven?The importance of sacrifice has been shown in this way.

We see in Madakopnishad, "Plava hyeth adhrada yagya rupah" - The timber of sacrifice-boat would be silent.

In the 7th chapter of yagya vaibhav khand in Skandha Puran we can read like this:-"Plava hyete sura yagya adrudashch na shamsayah"

 -O gods, The timber of sacrifice - boat is undoubtedly silent.

Tandya mahabrahmin says, "Yagyo va avati tasya chaya criyate"-

Only sacrifice can give deliverance, whatever is done is only a shadow of sacrifice.

In Rig -Veda we read, "Atmada balda yasyachaya-mrutam... yasya mrityuh" - whose shadow and death became life (Amrit - or immortality), by his shadow and death He will give soul and strength.All these above writings clearly states that sacrifice itself never brings deliverance but they are only the shadow of sacrifice which brings great deliverance.

Ethray brahmin says, "Yagyamanah pashu yagyamanmev swarga lokam gaymati" - "He Who donates animal for sacrifice, does the sacrifice and goes to heaven.

"Shathpath brahmin says, "Prajapathi yagyah" - God Himself is sacrifice.

In tandya mahabrahmin of Sam-Veda, it says, "Prajapathi devemya atmanam yagyam drutva praikshat" - God will offer give Himself as sacrifice and receive the repentance of sins.

Shathpath brahmin says, "Tasya prajapathirdharmev martyamasidharth marutham" -God became half mortal and half immortal. It means He became man and heavenly the mixture of both.Purushsukta says, "sacrifice of Brahmadev is done.

All these teachings clearly indicates that the master of this creation himself will perform a true and great saving sacrifice. He would become both mortal and immortal and anointed God - man and by becoming the sacrificial animal, He would give Himself for the deliverance of the sins of mankind.

Rig-Veda gives the following facts regarding the sacrificial animal:

1. It should be a lamb without blemish.

2. Around his head 'Bulusu' bush should be placed.

3. It should be on the altar of sacrifice.

4. Its four legs should be nailed in such a way that until they bleed.

5. The cloth which covers the lamb should be distributed in four parts.

6. No bones should be broken

7. Gal should be given for the drink of the lamb.

8. After it is sacrificed, it should come back to life again.

9. Its flesh should be eaten.

From this we can come to the conclusion that the anointed Lamb of God who gave Himself for sacrifice and died for us, complied with all these descriptions.It can be said that God took the form of a man first and then to save the sinners He gave Himself to be sacrificed. In our country we never read about this type of anointed one in our scriptures. No one who is God's anointed ever had this type of sacrificial death for the redemption of sinners.

But in the meditarian seashore of western Asia there is a country called Palestine that is situated in the midst of dense population of the world. In this country an anointed son was born to a holy virgin in whom all these above written qualities were complete. He was completely innocent and blameless. He lived a holy and pure life. He was both mortal and immortal means both man and God. From the beginning itself He prophesied about His sacrificial death for the deliverance of mankind and victorious resurrection from the death. He delivered Himself to those evil people who not only loved sin and sinful ways of this world but also wanted to kill Him.

If we see about His death, we can see that as the Rig-Veda describes the qualities of the sacrificial lamb they are exactly fulfilled in this anointed person as explained below:

1. It should be a blameless lamb - He was a blameless (or without sin) God - man.

2. Around his head 'Bulusu' bush should be placed - A crown of thorn was put on His head.

3. It should be on the altar of sacrifice - He was laid on the Cross.

4. Its four legs should be nailed in such a way that until they bleed - His hands and legs
were nailed.

5. The cloth which covers the lamb should be distributed in four parts - Those who crucified Him distributed His cloths by themselves.

6. No bones should be broken - None of His bones were broken.

7. Gal-juice should be given for the drink of the lamb - He was given vinegar for drink.

8. After it is sacrificed, it should come back to life again- He rose up from the dead on the third day.

9. flesh of it must be eaten- Before His death, He said to his disciples that they should eat His flesh and drink His blood, which was sacrificed for the salvation of the world; and for the remembrance of His death take bread and grape juice and for this He started a holy ritual which is still being performed. In this anointed person, the sacrifice of repentance which can save sinners, is completed. Why don't you get a copy of Bible to read it for yourself ? Remember that Bible is for all including non christians also, allow yourself to read it and find the truth.

All these things clearly states that this is the anointed one of God through whom sinners can get salvation of their souls. This anointed one is none other than JESUS.

Purushsukt says, "Nanya panthah vidhyatey nyayah" -

Even by the thousands of good works you can not get to heaven, except through Brahmdev who gave Himself as sacrifice,."

So there is none other than "JESUS" who can save you from your sins.