Thursday, September 24, 2009

Unknown Truth ( part 2 )

Speaking about Christians, I can write all my life even though I myself for the fact is a follower of Christ and His faithful Word. On other hand, people view Christianity as an universal belief where you can get to speak English, wear western clothes, live according to the west, being elevated to higher status in the society because the world has a good view for Christians (not anymore). It has become a physical and outward religion. How it became like this ?? since the bible, the sole authority book of Christians which concentrates on the purpose of God in each man’s life, priniciples of life, physical and both spiritual life and afterlife too.

Many Christians have gone astray from the faith since the beginning of the invasion of science and its theory beginning from America which influenced the world. The imminent return of LONG WAITED JESUS CHRIST in his second coming is forgotten and I guess only some of true believers is alert and transforming their lives in Christ, but more and more people tend to ignore the fact that it is really going to happen unknowingly when.

While writing this, I am worried and at the same time I feel anxious for the end that might result out of this. Christianity has become religious and traditional and addingly ritualistic. Why do I say this ? It’s because the Christians are so accustomed with the pleasures of the world. They are trapped in it and it’s very hard to escape yourself from there. Well. The world is owned by satan and his associates, he offers sweet and unholy things that are seen as a promise and happiness never knowing it’s a trap while you making your way to hell. Wake up my dear brethrens !!!! see to it, read the bible (the right one) and worship God with all your heart, soul, mind and BODY. That is what God wants from you, not your mouth but your heart. Christians do and will understand the goal of life if they search it in the holy scriptures.

You see, today we have about 50 denominations with different doctrines and custom. It has led astray more and more people to think and regard Christianity as the worst of all beliefs. I am talking about the so-called Christians. Life on this earth is temprorary, Charles Finney said that everyone would die for the sake of Jesus Christ but it’s the living for Him, they find it hard. Living on this earth is not easy as we ever can imagine. Temptations surrounded, challenges and trials are waiting for us if we want to live for Jesus. As I said before, the world is not pressing you if you join them but if you refuse them, they persecute you. Can you and will you endure it ? We must die to the world, and to this mortal body and willingly take the cross and look forward the eternal life up in heaven. The return of Christ is mainly concerned on the church, I guess we need to evangelize to Christians because they are so weak and have indulged themselves in the sweet honey lifestyle of the world.

Jesus said “ Wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it, but small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, only a few find it. (Matthew 7:13)

Because of some “ good ” Christians, unbelievers tend to runaway from accepting the free gift of salvation. The bible says if you do this, you have sinned against God. Another debateable issue among Christians are the topic of grace and law. Many preachers have misinterpreted the scripture and gave wrong understanding to the believers which made them to take sin so light, making the sacrifice of Jesus Christ vain and useless. Law is against, broken and violated just because of the power of grace. Has God changed ? He is the same yesterday, today and forever but then how can He change his word and promises since He himself is the Word
(Romans 6:1,2) (1 John 3:4) (Romans 6:23).

So, an end, Christianity is not a religion but it is the truth. Not because many believes it, miracles, sign and wonders happen within it but it is a physical and spiritual interrelated life. Accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour, where He died on the cross for our sins, sickness, disease and our problem or whatsoever you name it but he rose again on the third day not by according to human’s theory but according to the witness and power of his Father. Jesus himself is God who become the sacrifice for sin so that you don’t have to sacrifice animal, do good works and charity to obtain salvation but its only through His name. Confess your sins to him and believe that he has indeed the power to forgive your sins and continually live on holy and righteous life with your faith on Him. You may slip or accidently fall into sin again but when you confess and promise that you will never do it again, you are forgiven.

Repentance is needed, repentance means hating the sin, promising to never do it again, believing in Jesus, living according to His Word which the bible and finally you will be in heaven with him soon, assuredly. Now, listen not only our physical sin but also our mental sin.

Jesus said “You have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Peace, love, joy, hope will you experience but its not a easy life. If you surrender to him and follow his Word, your family, friends even the whole the world will hate you and try to kill you. Now that’s the sign, ask for yourself, why is that when I follow Jesus, people hate me but not when I follow the world, nothing happens. Jesus said, the world will hate you because of me. Don’t worry, Jesus is with you, he promised that he will be with you till then end of this world. Start going to a right church, they will give you the bible to read, read it, meditate it, attend bible classes to know the future that God has prepared for this world and also for your understanding. Ask anything you don’t understand to the pastor. Always know that God is for you and He loves you.

And finally, for those who reject this free gift of salvation where many God’s children have prayed for your sake, you will be condemned in the eternal hell and be tormented day and night. You can’t escape, time and space have been given to you, you have neglected and rejected the conviction of the holy spirit where you will not be forgiven forever. You will suffer in the lake of fire as you die and leave this earth. If you don’t believe, you will experience after you die. Remember, you have never know what will happen next, never die without accepting Jesus, never take things for granted.When you go to hell, no more opportunity for you, you will spend there for trillion years and eternity lies ahead of you. Please respond to this warning, this maybe the last time you reading and hearing this.

If you believe there is no afterlife, no heaven, no hell, no Jesus, and if you are right, I have lost nothing, you and I got the benefit just the same but !!!!! if I am right that there is afterlife, heaven, hell and its only through Jesus. You are going right to the hell and I in heaven with my Saviour Jesus forever and ever

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