Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hell is true

Hell is true

When a comparative study and analyzing study of world religions is done on the subject of hell. It seems no book but only one gives a clearer picture of it. From the :

a) law and Talmud of Judaism

b) Quran of Islam

c) Vedas of Upanishad

d) Brahman of Hinduism

e) Zoroastrian Holy Book

f) Sayings and analects of Confucius

g) Agama of Jainism

h) Buddhist Holy Books

i) Japanese Shinto Kojiki

j) Lao Tzu’s Taoism

subsequently the only book that most accurately describes about hell is the Bible which is the True Word of God for mankind.

The only person who knows about hell more than anyone of us is Jesus. He spoke about it while when he was on earth but he didn’t describe about heaven much, not because it doesn’t exist but perhaps because he knew that more people will end up in hell than in heaven.

Matthew 7:13 – Jesus said “ enter through the narrow gate for wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it, but small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only few find it”

Here in this particular verse, Jesus foretold the difference in population between heaven and hell, truly Jesus had given us a clearer picture about hell.

When Jesus said about entering through a narrow gate, He meant about the difficult way to obtain eternal life where only few has found it. Logically imagining, when a road is narrow or small to walk, no one of course would want to getting to another side.

So, people tend to choose the wide road which is bigger and walk into it. Many people join it, and find themselves in a very comfort zone and sweet journey. It’s fun right ?, you don’t have to wait long, cool breeze, enjoy the view and finally you get to another side but it’s not the destination you wanted to choose. Then, regretting for choosing this way, you want to turn back and came to the previous way. However, at the end you find that there is no more opportunity, the door of getting out, the escape road, the salvation is closed. The duration of mercy, chance – giving is over. You are not coming back but going to end in a destination which of course you will hate to be which is hell. The time and space cannot contain it simply because it is eternal, how would anyone define eternity, no calculator, no scientific formula can explain eternity. In other words, it’s forever and ever.

But then, question arises, why did God created Hell or did human invented ideas about hell. No ! my readers, hell was created for Satan and his angels when they rebelled against God. It’s a place of torment and suffering, where full of darkness, pain and no escape. This place where devil and evil spirits is damned and condemned in hell forever for their rebellion, not for us. The most important element in Hell is fire, it’s fire lasts forever and never dies. This fire is a special fire created by God where you will never die instantly nor will you die slowly but it will torment your soul forever. Meaning that there is no death in hell, it’s torment and suffering is forever.

Mark 9:48 – 49
Where their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched. Everyone will be salted with fire

The experienced being in hell is simply cannot be expressed and explained because it’s strange and only those who experience can know it but only those who in the hell can tell you and they will never come back. There is also another issue, despite of all these warning people still ignorantly believe that the world we are living now will never end. There is a fullstop, an end to this word but heaven and hell which sees unreal, indeed exist and it is forever. You and I can’t avoid going to one of this place.

So, who will be going to hell ? Are there good people in hell ?
The answer is, all of us deserve to be in hell because we have sinned against in one way or another. We cannot say that we are perfect enough to stand in front God’s holy place. I know this might sound ridiculous, you can say that I have never steal, killed, not even lied, committing adultery by even looking at woman lustfully. People often justify themselves by saying that I am not so bad and maybe I do some mistakes but that is not going to bring me to hell. Let me ask you, according to whose standard you are judging yourself, you or God who gave the law ?

My dear friends, you can never justify yourself by your good works because no matter how much you do, it cannot satisfy God’s satisfaction. It’s only by God’s grace and help you can be called righteous and no matter how strictly you follow the law, you will still stumble at one point and that makes you a lawbreaker and of course, a sinner as well. God is holy and just and in front of his eyes we are a;; sinners but God is not letting us die with our sins and going to hell because He has allowed someone else to make payment on behalf of you. He is the only Sinless Person, who came to the world and became the sacrifice above all sacrifices and once for all. There is no need of sacrificing animals and yourselves anymore because God does’nt need it anymore.

Why are we sinners, its because our ancestor’s blood runs within us. When a baby comes from the mother, the baby’s blood contains the parent’s sins. However God does not hold account of the baby because of the parents. The father’s sin, the children will not bear it, because the soul that sins shall die. God will only judge a person when he or she grows to know what is good and bad and chooses one of it. Choose the good and live, choose the bad and die with it.

In any religion, human is considered as a sinner, humans cannot control their flesh and their thinking. In order to avoid doing bad things, we are asked to do charity, yoga meditation, visiting holy places, becoming a monk or a priest to just have a better life when you come again. But the fact, reincarnation and rebirth is not logical and it’s just a theory. So, there is no way to be in heaven but only to suffer in hell for all your sins. Listen what the bible tells :

Hebrew 9:27
Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgement (by God)

The reason Buddha and Hinduism taught reincarnation and rebirth is because, our sins are so heavy to be paid. So, we have to take another life to pay for it. But the question is how many times you want to come back and pay ?! Don’t forget that in each life you commit sin and it accumulates (increases) and you have to come again until 144th time and you go out of existence. They teach that you will disappear somewhere and don’t know where !!!!

While the bible says that hell do exist and true, other religions can’t help but to accept the fact that the bible is indeed the truth.
Greeks say the hell is under the the atlas
American Indian say it is under a turtle
Hindus say that it is under an elephants

BUT the science and research confirmed accurately as the Bible says that the hell is inside the earth. It’s temperature goes as far as 6650 celcius and the main element of hell is sulphur which the bible calls it brimstone.

People may ask, why a loving God would create hell. Okay, suppose you are God what would you do ? Will you allow killers, thiefs, liars, prostitutes, maker of idols, gays, lesbian, disobedient childrens, drunkard and other who have against your law and system to enter heaven which is holy ?

Every soul that sins shall die, as I said before, we are all meant to be in hell because we are not good enough. Search your heart, touch it, ask yourself despite even being so good to others, never doing bad things, do you still feel that you are good enough to be in heaven. The price of sin is so expensive to be paid that only a Sinless Person can pay it for you.

You are not going to hell because you are not Christian if others say. You are going to hell because you are a sinner and the only way to get out of hell and to be in heaven is to believe in Jesus Christ. By repenting and accepting Him who paid his life for our sins. The name Jesus itself means the one who will save us from our sins. Christ is the title given in Greek language for Saviour. Our sins are so bad, our karma is heavy, we cannot pay for it in just one life. The fact that you were born in this world is because you are sinner. If you are perfect and sinless, you would not be born into this world but in heaven.

Our sins are like debt to the creditor. We have so much debt, we try to pay but it never ends and it will only finish if the creditor forgives and says “ my son and daughter, you no need to pay it anymore, someone else has already paid it for you. And behold, it is God himself who became the sacrifice and He has done it once for all.

All you can do is to surrender it to the man who gave his life in your place and say “ Lord, have mercy on me, I can’t pay for my sin and I am going to hell because my consciousness kills me. I cannot say I am good, I cannot boast that I go to church every Sunday, going to temple of idols where god seems to be blind, deaf and dumb of my destiny and my eternal future. I cannot say all religions are same because by saying it, I am making You as confuser and troublemaker. However, it’s only you who is worthy to be worshipped and exalted, the living God, eternal truth, everlasting Father, Creator of heavens and the earth.

The only religion that says you will go to hell eventhough you are the most faithful devotee of that religion, is Christianity. (eventhough Christianity is not a religion but truth and experience with God). The bible says that you might have done great good works perhaps like Mother Theresa (not a Christian though), Princess Diana (having affair with another man), still you are not qualified to enter heaven because God’s requirements are different. He demands truthfulness, repentance (promising not to do it again), faith in Him and righteousness and justification only by His grace. The Bible offers the most hardest way to enter heaven which is live a holy life and reject the world and bear suffering and persecution for God’s name and then you will have reward from Him which is eternal life.

The Bible warns whoever reads it that you have to choose only one Way, no standing in the middle and being a lukewarm. It’s either God and His Word or the world and its pleasures. Many people even Christians (Catholics are not Christians) for the fact face hardships and troubles for living for Jesus. Life here in this world is temporary and I know can be perfect and you can be try your best to be perfect not outwardly and inwardly. Even when I am writing this, my consciousness speaks against me. Life is simply a cross. You have to deny the world and its enjoyment and I guarantee it’s going to be very hard, I am going through that but take courage God is your helper in your very need.
1 John 5 : 3-5
This is love for God, to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome.
For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.
Who is it that overcomes the world, only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God

2 Corinthians 5 : 17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone and the new has come

One who is born of God means that one who accepts Jesus Christ is born again, not by flesh but by spirit. You no more desire worldly pleasures but Godly things. And eventuall you realize that life in this world is temporary, thus you will have no problem dealing with this challenges because you know something better is being prepared for you. You will look upon and wait for the promise of Jesus Christ’ second coming. This is going to happen very soon, Jesus himself will come but only seen by those who will join him. The sign is suddenly a great population wil disappear from this earth and you shall know it has happen. Babies regardless of race and geographical conditions will be taken to heaven and those Christian who lived faithfully and righteous for God will vanish. The world will question this mysterious event but the bible has predicted and it will be fulfilled. All of them have faced all kinds of persecution for believing in Jesus Christ but their reward is to be given to them and it is eternal. So will you take my plea to accept the sacricife Jesus Christ has done for you and even He is glad to receive you as His children not as servant. God is your friend, lovely Father greater than our mothers rather than brutal, scary, furious, killing and adulterous gods like our ancestors have made. Repent for the time has come and indeed is very near.

The undeniable fact is very simple :
If you believe there is no afterlife, no heaven, no hell, no Jesus, and if you are right, I have lost nothing, you and I got the benefit just the same but !!!!! if I am right that there is a afterlife, heaven, hell and its only through Jesus to be in heaven. You are going right to the hell and I in heaven with my Saviour Jesus forever and ever.

(Read article Unknown Truth)

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