Thursday, September 24, 2009

Unknown Truth ( part 1 )

Unknown Truth
(especially for Christians and interested readers)

Why should anyone believe in God since He had not showed himself to anyone including you and me ? Why sometimes people claim that they have seen God and they tell it all around the world ? Some say they have seen Jesus of Christians, some say they have heard “azan” the prayer of Muslims in the space, some say they have seen their numerous gods and contacted spirits.

Is this life all about ?? Different people who live in every different way experience every possible different ways seeing how and who God is in their life. Since man began to develop the civilization, many things emerged. New things being replaced for the exchange of the old things, I mean not the material but the way people live. How they regard God is, the form of worship, the lifestyle and many more. Eventually all things are possible, inventors give some sort of explanation for their invention so that it is really understood, widely accepted and believed by all people with no question, doubt and surprise about its’s genuiness and truth.

However, that is not the question, eventhough the world is going to end (if you believe), people are still living in their reckless, wicked, sinful, unholy, unclean life without showing regard to their destiny. Their mindset is this, there is no God, I am God for myself, if I could decide everything on my own, why should I listen and believe some old granny stories. Life is once, we don’t know who we were during our past life, we never know what we are going to be in our future life but we only know who are we in this life, so why don’t you live according to your wish and enjoy without limit.

However, not to forget also, you die without knowing your destination and you never know what you are about to face is eternal and no turning back. Why should anyone be bothered about the afterlife, probably it is man’s theory to “scare” people to live a good life or perhaps religious groups trying to offer you a sweet story to convince you to be a good human by following the rules of religion where different religion views life differently.

Leaving this behind, what about Christians or precisely the followers of Christ. How should I describe this ?? Jesus said “ you can’t serve two master ” either you accept one and you reject the other. He also said “ if anyone wants to follow me, he must first take up the cross and follow ”. Cross is not merely a wood but spiritually speaks about the burden, hardness and challenges of following Jesus. So, after all this, how do Christians live today ?? Evidently speaking, Christianity has become a religion too with it’s greatest compromising teaching, lifestyle and diversity in denomination. Jesus did not say “ I have a religion which will save you or my religion’s group is called Christians. To be added neither did He ever said “ I came only to the white people nor he ever said I came for the Jews and Christians to-be only ”.

It is the biggest ever common perception mistakenly understood by the world. Well, I am not here to talk about that but the view that the world has towards Christianity. Maybe we can say it is the largest religion or can I say it is a religion that permits everything by God’s special grace. Surprised !?!?. Let me list for you some of the “good” acts Christians do and allow :

a) Gay marriage

b) Lesbianism

c) Fornication

d) Adultery

e) Bestiality

f) Pornography

g) Masturbation

h) Addictive substances

Bible contradicts them all in the past, now and forever even when the civilization changes

and many more but I have listed only the major “good things” that so-called Christians do and allow, They do it all in the name of Jesus Christ and use the word of God (bible) in diversed way for their own benefits.

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